Laugh, cry and jig into the night with a production that is Celtic, for this generation. Having performed over 300 shows since 2019, ‘A Taste of Ireland’ has merged cultural traditions, modern flair, and craic galore to deliver a performance that has brought the house down night after night. This season, join an acclaimed cast of champion Irish dancers, dazzling musicians, and a contemporary vocalist, as they blend Irish charm with mind-blowing talents to present an unforgettable night of entertainment.
Box Office, Tickets & Seating:
The Smith’s box office will be open for in person or over-the-phone sales Tuesday-Friday from 10am-4pm. Online tickets can be purchased at any time. All over the phone or online purchases will receive a digital ticket sent to your email. You must have a valid email to purchase tickets for this event. Our box office can be reached at 315-781-5483 or