by Austin Jennings

In the 1990s, the Smith underwent major restorations and renovations. In the beginning of that decade, the building was in horrendous disrepair. By the end of the decade, under the ownership and care of the Finger Lakes Regional Arts Council, the shimmering theatre looked far closer to the restored look that it has today. Below is an interactive timeline that shows some of the stages of these historic renovations. Of course, no old building’s restorations are ever finished, and there have been plenty of projects completed in the 21st Century. However, it cannot be denied just how important the 1990s Restorations and Renovations were to creating the Smith Opera House we see now.
Visit the Interactive Timeline of 1990s Renovation (click here).
Works Cited
“Accomplishments.” Finger Lakes Regional Arts Council, “Phase I ‘Centennial Campaign,’” list of renovation and restoration projects that were completed. Smith Opera House Archives.
Bartlett, Ted. “Re: Smith Opera House, Roof.” Crawford and Stearns Architects and Preservation Planners, letter, to Brad P., 25 March 1988. Smith Opera House Archives.
Broach, Louise Hoffman. “Opera house crests uncovered.” Finger Lakes Times, 6 January 2000. Smith Opera House Archives.
“Building Permit.” Finger Lakes Regional Arts Council, applicant: Carl W. Fribolin (FLRAC), permit to demo marquee, 23 May 1995. Smith Opera House Archives.
“Change Order.” Lancet Arch Inc., construction postponement approval, to Finger Lakes Regional Arts Council, attn: Rich Erwin, 31 March 1992. Smith Opera House Archives.
Crawford and Stearns Architects and Preservation Planners. “Historic Structure Report: Smith Opera House.” Syracuse NY, Jan 1990.
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